martes, 26 de agosto de 2008


If the evolution of the school is analyzed until the present we find that, during the period that was at the expense of the “Hermanas Dominicas del Santísimo nombre de Jesús”, from the year 1972 until 1990, the number of pupils never overcame the 250; but, from 1990 when the Association took charge of the conduction of the school and until the present, in spite of the crises that the country passed through, the matriculation had been increasing until today, in which formation and education is given to 400 pupils in the morning class and more than 100 pupils in the optional afternoon class. Indicating besides the fact that in the kindergarten there is a 1 year old class, a 2 years old class, a 3 years old class, two 4 years old classes and a 5 years old class; situation that did not exist in the period of conduction of the Sisters.

In another way, the concept of our educational Institution that Official Organisms have is excellent, as it is demonstrated in the inspections and supervision acts, and in the general concept that our school has in the Direction of Private Education Management.

Also it is to emphasize the importance that our institution has in society, in a Neighborhood of the main city of Argentina that presents a mid-low economic level, and the consideration that deserves by parents and neighbors.

Another worthy point of mention is that our school is mixed, a situation that was not contemplated during the conduction of the Sisters, and the creation of an optional afternoon class that allowed that many parents, the majority workers, could leave their children in our Institution, with which an at least risky situation for the children was relieved.

From the administrative-countable point of view, our Institution does not have obligations of any type and the rents are paid punctually every month; this is the product of several years of effort, dedication and to have assumed fully the Dominican Ideology.

From 2006 the misunderstandings between the Civil Association Sagrado Corazón de Jesús and Hermanas Dominicas del Santísimo nombre de Jesús were deepened. Always motivated by economic pressures of the Sisters over the Association; as the concrete fact of trying to add up to the cost of the rents, the percentages granted to cover the major labor costs, situation that were consulted to Official Organisms as the Secretariat of Trade and the Direction of Private Education Management answered and the answer was that the pretension was not correct; and other points that always determined that the Association, with big efforts, tried to negotiate the continuity of the School to support the educational service for our children, the labor source of our teachers and, fundamentally, to keep alive the spirit and the teaches of Santo Domingo de Guzmán.

In 2007, by reasons that we cannot explain to us, the Sisters showed a major intransigence and they demonstrated clearly that they would not renew the rent of the school, that we had to buy the building or otherwise they would demand its restitution.

For the last years our maximum interest has always been trying to obtain enough funds to be able to buy the building and destine it exclusively to work as an educational institution and hereby to continue forever with what it is explained in the Dominican ideology, with whom we are totally identified and which forms an essential part of the corporate purpose of our Association.

For it, during all the year many meetings and multiple negotiations were organized in which not only members of our Association had come, but also several people who helped and still help us to find solutions to this serious problem.

Last November 7 we made a travel to Tucumán, where the Sisters reside, in a management that certainly did not give results, in where we proposed them an offer of purchasing the building and the analysis of the amounts of rents, which according to them, had to be updated. They did not accept our offer of purchase and, for this reason we requested them to continue renting the building to us, otherwise the Association would have no choice but closing the school to be able to deliver the building.

Later, the sisters demonstrated that they would agree to grant an extension of the rent for one year, but in consideration to it, it was a condition that we recognized the increase of the rent during 2006 and 2007; it is to say the application of the major labor costs to the rent. With the only purpose of reaching an agreement and demonstrating again the good will of our institution, we offered to recognize the increase of the rent, with the sacrifices that it supposed for us.

The President of our Association was dated in Tucumán to talk about our situation, but in this meeting instead of informing her about the possibility of an agreement that should allow us to continue with the work of the school and with the Dominican ideology, the totality of the motives for which she had travelled were damaged, and she only received economic requirements that were due to fulfill or otherwise we had to leave the building in December 2007. In the same meeting the Sisters even managed to deny the offer to buy the building that they had given to us and our offer of purchase that they had rejected likewise.

Our Association did and continues doing negotiations to try to support the building of our school in order to continue expiring with the Dominican ideology and with the purpose for the end that was done. (See “History of the Educational Institution and Dominical Family”)

We negotiated in all the Government authorities, both civilians and Ecclesiastics. Among others we can mention the following ones:

- The Sub secretary of Education of the Buenos Aires Government, Professor Luis Liberman, who imposed of the situation of our school, demonstrated that he would speak with the Cardinal Bergoglio; some days later he said to us that he had spoken and that he indicated him that, according to his permanent educational politics our college could not be closed and that the situation of the building would be arranged by the Archbishopric with its owners, Hermanas Dominicas del Santísimo nombre de Jesús and that, previous agreement with our Association, we would continue administering the college. In such direction he connected us with Mr. José Luis González, from the Vicar of Education of the Archbishopric of Buenos Aires, that was committed to initiate managements between the Sisters and us.

We also made contact with the Education Vicar from the Archbishopric of Buenos Aires, who said to us that he would make managements with the Sisters.

We made manifolds managements in banks to try to obtain loans but did not make results.

Thus the things, at the end of December of 2007, we asked the Vicar of Education of the Archbishopric of Buenos Aires for the mediation in this conflict, and said to us that they would try to reach a solution for our problem with the Sisters in the following days, and that in February 2008 we would meet again to treat this subject. We did that, without obtaining results. The managements always continued and we stayed following the instructions that we received from the Vicar of Education.

As a result of all the managements, in March of 2008 we found out that the Sisters initiated legal actions so that we come to the delivery from the immovable where the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Institute works.

After having struck many doors, of making so many managements, we felt annoyed, worried, impotent, but trusting, we asked our Founding Mother Elmina Paz de Gallo to cover us with a protection mantle, like she did in Tucuman when she put her personal goods to the service of the needed ones.

We feel that the way taken by these Sisters, that are not the major Sisters founders of our school, is not the correct one, but we won’t stop trying, having faith and believing in our founding mother, our ideology, our unshakeable faith in the Church; that we are going to try to maintain our institution.

The solution must arrive, we have pedagogical experience, projects to develop to the benefit of the needed children and we also have the capacity to confront a commitment of reasonable purchase if they give the conditions us to do it.

We are just to be in our 100 anniversary in education and we think that an Institute of our characteristics must continue working and not being transformed into a real state business.

We are open to receive ideas and contributions that make our educative continuity possible; it does not exists any buildings in the neighbor able to lodge a School like ours, we are in a zone of educative emergency.


God blesses all you and brings peace in your heart.


In 1902, reverend Fray Abury Sanchez of the convent of Santo Domingo decides to found an Asylum for children, for that reason he asks to the founding Mother Elmina Paz de Gallo and to the General Prior Sor Maria Dominga, both from the congregation of Tucuman to find the personnel.

For that reason, five Sisters come to direct the establishment. They are received by all the commission. In August 20th of the same year they settle in a house located in Independence 664 street, which is perfectly fixed and has a chapel where the first mass is celebrated. As this house becomes small they move to Defensa St. 1032 where many children are received, but as the house is not in good conditions they move to Belgrano St. 996; there are so many children living that they again has to move, this time to Bolivar St. 1587, where the old Italian Hospital had place a time before. Soon after the moving, there are near 400 children living, for that reason six more Sisters has to come from the congregation of Tucuman.

In 1908 many Sisters continue arriving to the asylum to become part of the Association named “Dulce Nombre de Jesús”. But then, after some internal conflicts caused by bad attitudes of the Reverend Director, it is decided to dissolve the same.

This was seen by Juan Isella, Chaplain of the army, who helped and supported the Sisters in their decision to open themselves and found their own congregation. The founder, Fray Angel Maria Baisdron, who accompanied the Sisters from the seriously difficult first days until leaving them well installed in the new house, made the definitive adjustments to the foundation with the Archbishop, titling the school Asylum “Sagrado Corazón de Jesús”. They settled in a house located in Chile St. 1408, in August 5th of 1908, after great afflictions without finding house and after being 6 years in the Asylum of Dulce Nombre de Jesús. They were there until September 19th, when they moved to Defensa St. 793. The inauguration was in October 25th of 1908, with a great concurrence of families from Tucumán and Buenos Aires and the participation of Father Isella.

Year after year the classes began with a good concurrence of children, always giving much importance to the spiritual part, making every year several celebrations and masses, standing out the ones of “Sagrado Corazón”, “Santo Domingo”, “Nuestra Madre del Rosario”, “Christmas eve”, “New Year” and “Easter”, in which processions by the galleries of the school with a good participation of the society were realised. Also there was a great concurrence and participation by the children of the Asylum as much as of the whole society, in the celebrations and events that were organized, where the founds were destined to fix the house or to other school needs, that was always maintained and taken ahead by a great Sister’s sacrifice and dedication.

In 1922, the Reverend Prior Sister Cecilia Olmos, who had been chosen by three periods, finished the last one; she had been in the school from 1902, letting the house about to obtain the own building and a good organization, where there were young ladies pensioners and students of the school.

Many Sisters were changed and transferred to other houses of the Congregation and Sister Teresa López Aburradle is named General Prior. The Association “Hijas de María”, formed by Sisters of the school was organized, being replaced the directive commission. In the first meetings the director and the president were chosen among others, who would then be part of the new commission.

The following year, many resources were enthusiastically looked for in many ways to obtain the own house for the Sisters. The number of partners was increased, they organized several events: raffles, matches of tennis, etc., having collected this year $5,886, 76.

In 1924, the commission had in view to buy the house of Santiago del Estero St. 446, which was offered in $130,000 and in advantageous conditions of payment. Notes of request were send to the sugar engineers of Tucuman and also to rich people related to this institution, and they had a satisfactory result. In addition to it $4,500 from a donation of the succession of Olbarellas were received, and were intimately thanked in the name of the Dominican Sisters and the commission, having collected $ 24.580,26. Thus September 19th the ticket of purchase of the house was signed. In November 25th the blessing with godfathers and donors of the house acquired by the “Hermanas Terciarias Dominicas del Santísimo Nombre de Jesús” from Tucuman was done. For the acquirement had contributed: the Protect Commission, the Interior minister Dr. Vicente Gallo, nephew of the founder and godfather of the work, who signed the delivery act. The president of the republic, Dr. Marcelo T. de Alvear sent a congratulations letter.

The school throughout its history has passed through good and others not really good moments, of much effort and sacrifice, just like the society in which it is summoned. Between the years ‘50 and ‘55, it was quite a conflicting time because of the different democratic and military changes of government, and the school could not be maintained to the margin, by the proximity to Plaza de Mayo and much less for being a religious institution.

In 1957, appears the possibility of moving the school by buying a house in Belgrano St. 1400, but when receiving the news that the cost had raised to 3 million, it is impossible to make specific the operation.

In July 27th the almost miraculous opportunity of buying an ample mansion with land available for construction in Carlos Calvo St. 1559, property of Miss Defferrari appears. In November arrives to an adjustment by the sale of the house of Santiago del Estero Street and by the purchase of Carlos Calvo St. 1559, and in December all the personnel works in the preparations for the moving.

In January 1958, the move begins and the last mass is done in Santiago del Estero Street. The installation of the new marble altar begins and all the community settles in the new address. In March the inscription of students begins and the 16th of the same month the classes begin in a completely reduced atmosphere. In April the preparations to start the work of the construction in the school begin, but it is delayed by a strike, beginning in May 20th after a length and distressing proceeding to obtain a loan of the Bank.

The following year, by a delay in the work and with permission of the Counsel of Education, the classes begin. A collect is made to pave the patio and the War Ministry is committed to make the patio and to fix the skylight. Works that are finished the next year (1960)

In 1960 Sister Isabel Rosa Battaglia assumes as the Director of the Establishment.

In 1963, the kindergarten classroom is inaugurated.

In 1966, a commission of parents is formed in order to help the school, who organize events with great success. Two years later, a donation of Cattaneo S.A. of 40 meters of mosaic is received, and they are placed in the dining room of the young pupils.

In 1971 the personnel increases, many adjustments in the chapel and the patio are made and there are projects to make a new classroom.

There has always been a fluid contact with the other houses of the Congregation, located in Haedo, Rosario, Hersilia, Bahía Blanca, Cordoba and Tucumán. There have been visits, meetings and transfers of Sisters and students.

In December 29th of 1987 the director of the school, in a personnel education meeting, informs that the proprietary society, that was the Congregation of the Hermanas Dominicas del Santísimo nombre de Jesús, needs the building for the student functioning and that during year 1988 gives freedom to the personnel to find location in another place of work. With this unexpected communication the personnel is surprised and alarmed, because the school was very recognized in the neighbor, and the academic and social function work that were done where very outstanding, as it consists in acts of the book of supervision of the Direction of Education of Private Management (DGEGP).

The loss of the work source and the unusual announcement to give freedom to search positions in another institution, move the personnel to consult in the legal and official scope, where instances to prevent the closing begins.

In February 1988, the personnel are urgently summoned to a meeting and receive the news of a change of decision, which was that the school was not closing. It is informed that the director understands the benefits of her retirement and that Sister Liliana Badaloni will occupy her place. From the first encounter the new director adopts a position of opening to the educational personnel and also to the parents of the students. She organizes meetings with the personnel and asks for the collaboration on projects for the future. Warmly the educational community leads to that task and positions from renovation and change starts to arise.

In June 1st of 1988, Sister Liliana Badaloni requests license and assumes like substitute director Mrs Velia Marta Pieroni, who is seconded in her task by the resident Sisters in Buenos Aires. The school follows ahead and in August the Sisters slide the possibility that the educational personnel make a cooperative and take charge of the school.

The idea was enthusiastically received, but when it was necesary to concrete, the majority decides not to add itself to the project. Of 16 initial people, a group of 7 people decides to follow ahead and the Civil Association Sacred Heart of Jesus starts its constitution.

In 1990 the Association is formed with the following members: Ana Maria Pérez Bodria; Velia Marta Pieroni, Lucia Baudiño, Yolanda García, Norma Romagnoli, Ana Ojeda and Stella Barrabes. When it is already organized, a precontract is signed, in where they assume the pedagogical conduction of the school and its administration. During that period they were accompanied by the congregation, its equipment of education and office staff. At the same time the daily contact with the Sisters from the pastoral Department fortified the identity in the Dominican charm and enriched the pupils and educational personnel with its gospel roll.

In April 19th of 1994, the General inspectorate of Justice grants the legal function to the association with the resolution number 306.

In July 23rd 1996 a contract of lease is definitively signed with the Congregation of Hermanas Dominicas del Santísimo nombre de Jesús by the term of 5 years with option to 3 more and the option of purchasing the building.

In July 24th of 1996 the transference of the educative establishment “Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús” (A-150) is signed by scripture number one hundred seventy one 404/96, Notary Mrs Maria Cecilia Herraro de Pratesi, between the Congregation of the third Regular Order Hermanas Dominicas del Santísimo nombre de Jesús and the Civil Association Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Among another documentation, statutes of the Civil Association and educational antecedent of the members of the Directive Commission of the Association acquirer accompanies the scripture, in order to credit the suitability of these people in educational tasks and in the handling of the school. Also accompains the scripture a sworn Declaration of the transfering Congregation respect of the suitability and good reputation of the members of the Directive commission of the Association acquirer, to especially fulfill the objective for which the Association was created, and in another way, from which it arises that from 1990 the Association has collaborated closely in the conduction of the school.

From the moment that the school begins to be leaded by the Association, it begins to work on the following principles that are still remaining unalterable and that are valued in the educative ideology, and started up in the project.

A personal, transforming and participating education is assumed, open to the dialogue, to the personal and communitarian service and, essentially, intimate related to the moral values of justice and service to poorest.

In 1989 the computer laboratory is created and the psychopedagogical cabinet in charge of psychologist Alejandra Pagano is implemented.

In 1992 begins the mixed school from 1st degree in the primary section; with the growth of the scholastic population the Institution begins to work in two sections. The optional afternoon class is created.

From 1994, the joint of the pre-school section of the “Cevallitos” institute takes place with 1st degree of our institution. It also takes place the articulation to the secondary schools through its directors with the presentation of the projects to the students of 7th degree and parents from our institute.

The institutes “Nuevo Horizonte”, “La Providencia”, “Santa Rosa”, “Esteban Echeverria” and a special mention deserves “Nuestra Señora del Huerto”, take entrance examinations to our students of primary and, as they are so successfully, in the last years they are exempt to give the test of entrance.

In 2001 the Kindergarten is brought to an own and independent place in the 1st floor of the building.

Other conducted pedagogical that were made:

Religious Area:

• To catechize in a uncatechized world

• To find Jesus like something alive, revived

• To construct the kingdom of God in the society

• To promote the lay mysteries

• Justice and Peace

• Respect to the human rights

• Participation through social comunication

• Procesiones in neighbors and within the school

• Importance

• Via Crucis

• Scholastic catechesis, familiar catechesis, sacrament of the communion, Confirmation and of Reconciliation

• Solidary attendance to geriatrical

• Participation of the campaign of Caritas

• Collaboration with small border schools

Artistic Area:

• The project on the cultural patrimonies of our city, has marked an inclination of the pupils to pronounce itself artistically.

• The students attend museums, samples, galleries, Book Fair, schools of Art, etc.

• A very particular relation exists with the Institute in Devout art Angelicus.

• The children participate in the factories that offer sculpture, painting, design, drawing and carving. Also the students of the last year collaborate in specific classes with our educational personnel of plastic and technology.

Social Area:

• Participation of the school in activities supported by neighbour Associations like the Association “Friends of Constitución neighbor”

• Organization of festivals in from Leonesa Region

• Academic ceremony of 7th degree and pre-school degree n the union of the feeding.

Physical education Area:

• Campings and quarterings

• Summer colony in Regatas Club of Avellaneda (opened to the neighbor)


"Family” is metaphor that evokes and expresses the experience of a mutual property, sharing the same name and the same roots, being clear and helping mutually in an affectionate relation as brothers and sisters.

The Dominican family is this communion of friars, nuns, sisters of apostolic life, members of secular institutes, annexed brotherhoods of priests and lay, associations next to the service, that thanks to their charm, have received the order to assume the same mission of preaching and compassion.

Its presence is a source of life for the Order and an enrichment for its mission. That is manifested in the Acts of the chapter of providence: "The consciousness of lay about the vocation and lay mission in the Church, the Service and the world; the source of attraction of the Dominican charm; the mission to preach the Word of God in this world of change; and the vitality and apostolic options of the Dominican Family are a stimulus and an evangelical provocation to incarnate, of diverse ways, the Dominican life and a mission from the peculiar lay ecclesiastic condition."

About the lays, the Catechism of Catholic church says that:

“They have as their own vocation looking for the Kingdom of God taking care of the temporary realities and ordering them according to God.”(898)

“They must be conscious, not only to belong to the church, but of being the church, that is to say, the community of the faithful people over the Earth, under the guide of the common head, the Roman Pontiff and the bishops in communion to him.” (CIC 899)

“They have the obligation and they enjoy the right… to work so that the Divine message of the salvation is known and received by all.” (CIC 900)

“The cathecism compendium says that the church the lays must offer to God -more than ever in the eucharisty- our own life with every work, every pray… the familiar life and the everyday work, the annoyances of the daily life taken patiently, as well as the physical rests and spiritual consolations.” (CIC 188-191)

The church recognizes that the function that the lays carry out in the world is vitally important, according to, among others documents, the Dogmatic constitution ”Gentium Lumen”, of the Vatican council II; in the Apostolic exhortation Christi Fideles Laici, of Juan Pablo II and in the Catechism of the Catholic church, that dedicates to the subject the numbers 897 to 913.

The Dominican Family is born from the vocation and charm of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (cl. CG Bolonia, 146). Like arising from a tree planted next to the live sources, the branches of the Dominican Family are multiple. All of them share the same mission of preaching, each one with their own character, its particular statute and its autonomy.

To preach the word is not only to communicate an abstract truth, but also to try to model life and society. The expression “Word of God” can only have sense when it is a creative and transforming word that helps the construction of the Kingdom. It exists, therefore, an intimate relation between the Dominican vocation to the preaching and the passion by justice.

The Dominican Order, says the Acts, is between two movements of the church and the world: promotion of the laity and women liberation.

The lays are incorporated to a mission of church and put to the service of the preaching of the truth, "according to its own way". These activities will take throughout the centuries very varied forms; they will ignore to enter in the "grace of Dominican predication" by works of charity and, in singular cases, by education.